Thursday, October 5, 2006

Power week-Golden West Mile, 4XPower 500s, 

                     GW Mile     500s (split @ 400)
Brent                6:25      85         84         82         80
Danielle             6:48      90         91         89         86
Francisco            5:54      80         78         78         73
Jeff                 6:09      84         82         81         80
Monica Z             6:42      89         88         83         81
Sarah                6:41      89         88         87         85
Theo                 7:24      1:40      1:40      1:41       1:40
Tom                  5:55      80         78         79         76
Will                 5:56      86         86         86         87
NOTES: What's listed is the GW Mile time and the 400 split for the Power 500s.
Relays were planned but when the Kezar lights failed to come on, I decided it was
too crowded, dark and dangerous to run fast 200s.


see also:
August 10, 2006
May 25, 2006
January 19, 2006
October 27, 2005
September 01, 2005
August 04, 2005
April 14, 2005
Novemeber 04, 2004
July 03, 2003

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