Thursday, October 27, 2005

Power week-Golden West Mile--4 X Power 500--5 minutes of 200šs

             Golden West Mile     500s (split @ 400)
David         6:11      82      85      82      81
Frank         6:59      93      89      91      67
Galen         6:11      83      85      83      82
Heather       7:25      99      98      98      98
Keith         7:30    1:43    1:41       X    1:40
Leah          6:21      86      85      81      81
Mai           6:36      89      86      84      84
Mike H        6:46      93      91      93      92
Patrick       7:21      93      89      87      94
Paul          6:59    1:40      96      95      92
Sarah         7:40    1:40    1:40       X      97        
Tomas         6:02      82      85      82      81
Zach          5:57      81      84      80      70
Times listed are for the GW Mile and then the 400 split of the Power 500.
Zach set a new record for the 5 minutes of 200šsŠrunning 5 complete 200šs
and getting part way into #6 (of course he had to sprint across the grass
field on his last recovery jog).

see also:
September 01, 2005
August 04, 2005
April 14, 2005
Novemeber 04, 2004
July 03, 2003

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