Thursday, January 20, 2005

Power week -  5 minutes of 200s, Relay 400's,Golden West Mile

Golden West Mile times:
Dave P             6:27
Frank                 X
Heather            7:55
John Santos        4:38*
John Spriggs       6:33
Keith              8:07
Leah                  X
Malinda            8:34
Nathan             6:27
Patrick               X
Tomas              6:34
Zack               6:19

* = ran an 800, x = DNR

The Relay teams for the 400šs (3 x per runner):
Zack-Tomas-Patrick           11:24 (avg lap-1:16)
Nathan-Leah-Malinda          11:45 (avg lap-1:18)
Frank-John Santos-Keith      12:11 (avg lap-1:21)
Dave P-John Spriggs-Heatherc 12:35 (avg lap-1:23)

It was a unique workout, with a lot of fast running and short resting or easy jogging. 
No times for the 200šs or 400šs.-Andy

See also:
September 02, 2004
April 15, 2004
January 22, 2004
November 20, 2003
August 28, 2003
May 8, 2003

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