Thursday, September 14, 2008

Power week - Golden West Mile, 2 x Power 1000, 
Relay 300s

         GW Mile  1000 #1 1000 #2
Chemtai     7:13  3:31    3:36           
Danielle    6:45  3:12    3:17           
David H     6:38  3:06    3:02           
Denis       5:58  2:53    2:54
Frank       5:42  2:55    3:14           
George      6:36  3:09    3:10           
Gino        5:30  2:45    2:46           
Kate        6:45  3:19    3:30           
Keith       7:36  3:42    X
Kelly       7:01  3:24    3:29           
Lee         5:40  2:49    2:51           
Markham     6:06  2:59    2:57           
Marlyss     6:52  3:19    3:25           
Patrick     7:23  3:26    3:23

Notes: Welcome new runners Kelly, Chemtai and Lee
who all ran very strong for this tough first workout.
Guest Coach Tomas wrote results and Coach John Spriggs
read splits. Relay 300s were untimed, but I believe the
team of Gino and Kelly won. Runners were wondering why
guest Coach Tomas had them do three 300s instead of two.
This is still a mystery, but most runners said they handled
it okay.
- Tomas

see also:
June 5, 2008\
April 10, 2008
August 23, 2007
August 04, 2005
April 14, 2005
Novemeber 04, 2004

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