Thursday, June 5, 2008

Power week - Golden West Mile, 2 x Power 1000, Relay
(some people ran a 400 and some people a 200 in the
relay; their distance is noted in the results)

      GW Mile  1000s       Relay
Adam     6:17  3:43  3:48  85-400
Asit     7:44  4:18  4:17  76-400
Dale     6:19  3:51  4:02  72-400
Denis    6:04  3:33  3:26  70-400
Emily    7:15  4:20  4:27  37-200
Hayley   6:51  4:01  4:05  40-200
Joel     6:27* 4:09  4:01  84-400
Meghan   8:22  5:08  5:20  37-200
Pam      8:02  5:05  5:04  44-200
Patrick  7:18  4:14  4:16  73-400
Tomas    5:59  3:35  3:27  72-400
* Missed the first lap, ran the last 3 with the group.
NOTES: Welcome to first-timers Meghan,
Emily, and Pam.  Also, Dale, Hayley, and Joel were
running their first ever GW Mile with us.
Welcome back to Asit after breaking his back snowboarding.
- Andy

see also:
April 10, 2008
August 23, 2007
August 04, 2005
April 14, 2005
Novemeber 04, 2004
July 03, 2003

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