Thursday, June 16, 2005

Cutback week - 8x300
Chris        62  61  60  59  63  57  64  66
Dave P       57  55  56  54  55  52  51  56
David        55  56  56  54  55  54  53  52
John Spriggs 55  55  55  55  56  53  53  55
Malinda      77  83  X   81  79  80  X   77
Mike H       62  61  60  59  60  57  60  57
Mike K       63  63  67  67  63  62  67  68
Nathan       54  53  54  54  54  52  51  51
Patrick      65  68  69  X   65  65  65  62
Tomas        57  55  56  55  56  52  51  55
Workout started off with 800 stride and jog, ended with relay 200's.
A very strong and consistent workout for Patrick, who lead his team to
first in the relay 200s.

See also:
March 24, 2005
October 14, 2004
March 25, 2004
October 30, 2003
August 7, 2003
April 17, 2003

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