Thursday, September 13, 2007

Special Event - 1600 x 1: Mile Time Trial
In order of finish 

Name       Mile Time     
1.  Zack - 5:14.1
2.  Gino - 5:15.9 (SHC class of 2003)
3.  Jeff - 5:18.6
4.  Denis - 5:19.1
5.  John - 5:31.6
6.  Frank - 5:46.8
7.  Nathan - 5:58.8
8.  Brian - 5:50.7
9.  Sara - 5:52.1
10. Dan - 5:54.9
11. Danielle - 6:00.1
12. Patrick - 6:15.1
13. Asit - 6:21.7
14. Keith - 7:00.7
15. Malinda - 7:19.6

We got a pretty good day weather-wise
for the 3rd annual mile time trial.
Frank, Keith, Malinda, and Nathan (barely...
only got talked into running after striders)
kept their streak of running every mile time trial alive.
- Andy

See also:
August 17, 2006
June 30, 2005

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