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Splitter Camps

What Others Have Said

Hi Emma,

I didn't think it was possible, but Splitter Camp was even better this time around.  I feel like I learned even more this time, so to anyone who is wondering if it is worth taking the camp a second time, yes it definitely is.   The number one reason that the camp was so good, was that we were lucky enough to have Micah as our guide, for not one, but for all three days.  I could not have asked for a better guide, and Micah's tireless efforts to keep putting up long challenging routes was definitely the highlight of the camp.

We are giving strong thoughts to coming back again in the fall, we will do all in our power to be there.

Thanks again for a great time

Mark Denyer - Splitter Camp 2007

Thanks guys!

I stayed for two weeks after the camp, and it was the best
climbing I've done yet.  Onsight 10's on lead no problems,
and the 11's are starting to go down as well - with one
really good, clean whip (big smile - I wanted to get one
out of the way on this trip).

The post-camp highlight was leading Lightning Bolt Cracks
on the 9th of October.  The skills I picked up climing with Micah
have given me access to climb at that next, coveted level.

Next spring - Fine Jade.

Thanks again!

Tom Kabeary - Splitter Camp 2007

Dear Emma and Dave, thanks again for a terrific time at the Splitter Camp.  After telling a few friends about it they still can't believe the quality of guides, food, and climbing offered.  It was some of the most humbling and inspiring climbing I've done and I look forward to climbing with you again.  Sincerely,

Nick Strohecker - Splitter Camp 2007

Hi Emma (and Dave),

just wanted to let you know that the Splitter camp, is probably the best
thing I ever did for my climbing "career".  Climbing would have been much
easier if I had taken your camp 10 years ago.
Climbing with the Sensei Mr. Donini and his subjects Roger and Henry was not only
very instructional but also so entertaining it would have probably put most stand up
comedians to shame.  To say it was great is an understatement.

Anders Fridberg - Splitter Camp 2007

Hello Emma,

I wanted to thank you and the splitter camp for one of the most memorable climbing trips I have ever had. Jay Smith was a phenomenal instructor and climber. I learned more in 3 days at Indian Creek about how to climb than I have in the past 5 years of climbing.

Please forward this email to the appropriate person/people to show how valuable this camp really is to climbers like me. I would like to come back to another one so I can learn how to climb smaller finger cracks and larger offwidths!

Thank you for the excellent food, perfect splitters, and amazing guides to work and learn from.

I will definitely be spreading the word about the splitter camp to all my friends.

Aaron Christiansen - Splitter Camp 2006


Just wanted to say thanks for a great camp, and that Natasha and I are already thinking about coming back again next year if you are still offering the camps.  We had a great time, and I learned a ton about crack climbing.  ALL of the guides were great, and the wealth of knowledge was wonderful.   I especially wanted to tell you what a great job Micha and Jason did of setting routes, and teaching us how to climb, especially as they took the time to get on the routes and actually show us in slow motion the different techniques - watching Micha climb the 5.12 finger crack was probably what I learned most from , so please tell him thanks for all his hard work.

Also, when you get the chance, please let me know what I need to do to purchase a pair of the Montrail shoes - the Blue splitter shoe worked really well for me, and I would like to get a pair.

Thanks again for everything and hope to see you all next year

Mark Denyer - Splitter Camp 2006

I just wanted to thank you and all the guides again for a wonderful time at the Splitter Camp.  As Mark said, we are already dreaming about returning next year.  We really enjoyed getting to know all of you and getting the opportunity to climb some awesome routes with some amazing climbers.  Thank you again!  Hope to see you soon.

Natasha Denyer - Splitter Camp 2006

Thank you Malcolm, for being part of a great experience and for
offering these price deals. I feel lucky that Loni talked me into
joining her and I'll encourage anyone interested to go to a future
Splitter Camp. I liked everyone I met at the camp and it reminded me
of how much I enjoy being part of this energizing and eccentric
community of people. Climb on.

Dave Wesley - Splitter Camp 2006

