
02/16/08 -
Zazzle Store - newest of my online stores, featuring greeting cards of my artwork

01/16/08 - Redesigned my domain layout.  Crazyjanedoll.com and angelanewman.com
are one and the same.

Upcoming Shows I will be in:

Aug 6-10, 2008 World Con Denvention 3 in Denver, CO
Aug 29-Sept 1st 2008 Dragon*Con 2008 in Atlanta, GA
Oct 24-26, 2008 MileHiCon 39 in Denver, CO
Oct 10-12, 2008 Necronomicon'08 in St. Petersburg, FL

All images, artwork, and Crazy Jane Dolls™ on  this site are copyright © 2008  and are the specific property of Angela Newman.
Removal, use or reproduction in any form is infringement of copyright law.