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My ebooks The Passion Killers, A Dark Wind of Vengeance, Blood Beyond the Abyss and The Second Layer of Hell (apocalyptic fiction) are now available for download. They are the first four installments in the Path of Survival series. To see additional information, click here .

These photos have been made available to us by the folks at Their consideration and generosity is greatly appreciated.

To see the photos (and additional text), click on the links that show the names of each of the species.

Additional species will be added occasionally. If there is a species that you would like included here, or if you have comments or suggestions concerning this page, please e-mail me at

Black Bear
White-tailed Deer
Eastern Chipmunk
Common Gray Fox
Common Raccoon
Deer Mouse
Eastern Cottontail
Eastern Gray Squirrel
Long-tailed Weasel
Mountain Lion
Nine-banded Armadillo
Southern Flying Squirrel
Southern Long-nosed Bat
Striped Skunk
Virginia Opossum
Common Porcupine
Big Brown Bat
Eastern Mole
Eastern Pipistrelle (Bat)
Eastern Fox Squirrel
House Mouse
Common Muskrat
Little Brown Myotis (Bat)
Northern Short-tailed Shrew
Meadow Vole
Red Fox
Red Squirrel
White-footed Mouse