class JConfig {
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	var $log_path = '/home/hit/public_html/test/logs';
	var $tmp_path = '/home/hit/public_html/test/tmp';
	var $live_site = 'http://www.30minutehit.com';
	var $force_ssl = '0';
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	var $db = 'hit_jo151';
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	var $mailer = 'smtp';
	var $mailfrom = 'info@30minutehit.com';
	var $fromname = '30minutehit.com';
	var $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
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	var $MetaAuthor = '1';
	var $MetaTitle = '0';
	var $lifetime = '6000';
	var $session_handler = 'database';
	var $password = '4*byn3';
	var $sitename = '30 Minute Hit Kickboxing / Boxing Fitness For Women';
	var $MetaDesc = '&quot;30 Minute Hit&quot; was created to accommodate the busy lives of modern day women. This exhilarating and challenging fitness circuit consists of techniques taken from boxing, kickboxing, general self defense, and core stability training. Research and experience has proven that boxing / kickboxing is one of the most effective cardiovascular workouts';
	var $MetaKeys = 'kickboxing, boxing, fitness, circuit, workout, 30 minute hit';
	var $offline_message = 'This site is down for maintenance. Please check back again soon.';
      Name                    Last modified      Size  Description