Adding your Header, Footer, and Frontpage

Adding these files to your store is easy. The header and footer is displayed on all of your dynamic product pages and your store order form. The frontpage is simply the static HTML page displayed when commerce.cgi is first accessed.

Step One:
Create your header HTML and save it in a file called Upload this file and place it in the directory /store/Html/headers.

Step Two:
Create your footer HTML and save it in a file called Upload this file and place it in the directory /store/Html/footers.

Step Three:
Create your Frontpage HTML and save it in a file called frontpage.html. Upload this file and place it in the directory /store/Html.

Creating Links for your store

Here is some sample HTML that you may use to develop links and static HTML pages for your store.

Example One: Search Box

<!--Begin search table-->

<IMG SRC=Html/Images/search_store.gif>

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="keywords" SIZE="20" MAXLENGTH="60">&nbsp;&nbsp;
<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="search_request_button"
VALUE=" Submit ">

<!--End Search Table-->

Example Two: Category Link You may link to category pages within your store. These pages are created on the fly (dynamically) and display all products within a particular category.

<a href=commerce.cgi?product=NAME>Link to Category NAME</a>

where NAME is the name of the category to be displayed.

Example Three: Links to Static HTML pages You may create and link to static HTML pages within your store. These pages would be uploaded to the /Html/Products directory, and linked as follows:

<a href=commerce.cgi?page=mypage.html>Link to My Page</a>

Adding, Editing, and Deleting products

Managing your store's inventory is a snap with the Store Manager. Use these links to:
Add Products
Edit Products
Delete Products

Option files

Option files allow you to associate your products with certain options. For example, if you sell t-shirts, you will need to allow the customer to select the size. Option files are simple HTML, but they do follow a specific format. YOU MUST FOLLOW THIS FORMAT! Here is an example:

<B>Gift Options<B>
<SELECT NAME = "option|1|%%PRODUCT_ID%%">
<OPTION VALUE = "None|">Select Here
<OPTION VALUE = "Gift Card|1.00">Gift Card (+ $1.00)
<OPTION VALUE = "Gift Wrap|2.50">Gift Wrap (+ $2.50)
<OPTION VALUE = "Gift Box|3.50">Gift Box (+ $3.50)

Option files are placed in the /store/Html/Options directory

Adding images to your store

Images are added to the /store/Html/Images directory. Because all pages within the store are displayed through the script, all images links are relative to the commerce.cgi script itself. For example:

<IMG SRC=Html/Images/front_footer.gif BORDER=0>

View your tracking

Commerce.cgi has a built in tracking manager. View it here