A Powerful Event for Women
    Empowering women is the idea behind a special event, "She Wins, We Win" Thursday, June 29, that brings you Amy Klobuchar and best-selling author Gail Evans. You'll hear Gail, a former executive vice president of Gail Evans television network CNN, talk about her empowering book, She Wins, You Win. The book highlights the importance of women supporting women at all levels to help one another grow and succeed in the workplace and life. And, you'll "meet Amy and be inspired,'' says Sue Wollan Fan, a member of Amy's Angels, the women's group supporting Amy's candidacy for the U.S. Senate and sponsor of the evening. "She Wins, We Win," is an opportunity to learn, to network and to raise money for Amy's campaign. Yet it's something more.
Sue Wollen Fan"For the first time, we are reaching out to professional women to ask them to get involved, not just by giving, but by creating a network of women who can exchange ideas, advice and support,"
explains Sue, a driving force behind the evening. The event takes place at 7 p.m. June 29 at the Pantages Theatre at Hennepin Ave. and Seventh St. in Minneapolis. Seventy-five women have signed on as co-hosts, which means they are inviting their friends to attend and become involved. More than 500 women are expected, but seats are available. Tickets cost $100, with proceeds benefiting the Klobuchar for Minnesota campaign. Call Jessica Wright at 651-714-2006 or email angels@amyklobuchar.com for tickets and other information.

Women's Matters

More CNN than CSPAN
We know you. You're a busy woman, a gal who sandwiches in the daily news between appointments, carpool runs and yoga. You're a worker, a volunteer, a reader, a deep thinker and a family woman.

Just like Amy
But you're also a citizen concerned about her country and you don't like where it's headed. You are ready for change. Connections is for you
It's a quick-read bulletin written for Amy's Angels, the women who support Amy Klobuchar's candidacy for the U.S. Senate. Don't know much about Amy? Look here.
Go Amy!
She Wins, We Win - Event Details What:
A professional women's event and fundraiser for Amy Klobuchar

7 p.m. June 29 at Pantages Theatre, 710 Hennepin Ave.in Minneapolis

Gail Evans, former CNN senior executive and Amy Klobuchar, candidate for U.S. Senate


Jessica Wright at 651-714-2006 for more information or email Amy's Angels at: angels@amyklobuchar.com
Contribute Today!
Short Stuff

Amy won the support and endorsement of the majority of Democrats on the first ballot at the DFL State Convention in Rochester June 9.

Ask Amy

Q. Can a woman be elected Senator of Minnesota?

Asking Amy...
A. "Yes, the tides are shifting," Amy says. "If it can be done in Texas and Arkansas, we can certainly do it here."

Have a question for Amy? Or, want to get involved with her campaign? Email us at Angels@amyklobuchar.com

Be Generous & Neighborly

Be generous
To make a contribution to the Amy Klobuchar campaign, call 1-888-714-2006 or go to her website at www.amyklobuchar.com

Be neighborly
Please forward this letter to other women interested in learning more about Amy.
Angel's Corner

Amy Klobuchar's candidacy for the U.S. Senate Rebecca Yanischis drawing the attention and the admiration of a growing cadre of women determined to see her win.Joan Growe

The effort started at the grassroots last fall with a handful of females. Count among them: Joan Growe, Rebecca Yanisch and Susan Engel -- big names in Minnesota politics and life.

Now Amy's Angels number more than 500, including you and women in all walks and stages of life. And we're growing.

Sam & Sylvia Kaplan
"We support Amy's candidacy not only because she is funny, warmhearted and very smart. Rather, we support her and ask you to join us, because she is a dynamic candidate and will undoubtedly be an outstanding Senator."
                                   -Sam and Sylvia Kaplan
A Pretty Little Thing and Something More...

It's a lovely piece of jewelry and a symbol you believe in Amy. That's the idea behind the Amy's Angels' bracelet featuring cobalt blue and silver beads, Swarovski crystals and an angel charm. Handmade by designer Samantha Hurd and her jewelry partner Michelle Anderson, the ornament is available for $20. To order, call at 1-888-714-2006 or write the campaign at Angels@amyklobuchar.com .
Contribute Today!

Contribute Today!

Paid for by the Klobuchar for Minnesotan Committee.
P.O. Box 4146, St. Paul, MN 55104
Contributions and gifts made to Klobuchar for Minnesota 
are not tax-deductible for federal income taxpurposes.
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