Charleston Outlaws RFC



Greg "Mandingo" Mills

Stats     5' 10" - 205 lbs.
Former Clubs     College of Charleston
Positions     Prop, Lock, Flanker
Greatest Rugby Moment     2 tries in less than 1 minute against Ft. Bragg in the Toys for Tots tourney
Worst Rugby Moment     Running wide open about to score the winning try against Cape Fear and falling at the try line... wait a minute that wasn't me. I haven't choked horribly, yet.
First Year in Rugby     2002
Favorites     Movie...Apocalyse Now

  Tv Show...CSI

  Music/Musician...Misfits (Glen Danzig), Rollins Band (Henry Rollins), Clutch... punk rock changed my life

Celebrity I Most Resemble     Jesse Ventura

Photos of Greg Mills

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Greg with a nice run.
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Mr. Greg Mills.
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Greg in the line-out.
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Greg Mills.
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Greg Mills
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The Greg Mills.
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Greg on the run.
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Greg against Chatanooga.
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The Greg Mills.
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The Greg Mills.
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Greg, Jen, Bill, and Tice.
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Greg Mills, Grandpa, and Butch.
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The Greg Mills and his lady-friend.
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Greg Mills at flanker. (Fall 2006)
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Greg on the tackle.
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Greg on the run.
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The Greg Mills.
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The Greg Mills entertaining Paige.
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Alex, Greg, Grandpa, and Dave.
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Lapish and Greg make a nice stop.
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Superfriends power...Activate! Zac, Ringer1, Jay, Jason, Reiley, Andy, Greg, Box, Ringer2, John (Shark Reborn), and JV.
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The Greg Mills. What does that say on his shirt... "Master... er... Bator,... Oh, Brewer.
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The Greg Mills samples the local flavors.
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The Gerg Mills.
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The Greg Mills.
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Jake and Greg chatting over beers.
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Matt Lee, Dr "Tighty-Whitey"Perkins, "The" Greg Mills, Jake, Clark, JV, and Andy post swim.
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"The" Greg Mills in attendance.
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