Colorado Oss Family Christmas Schedule 2002

Day Start Place Who Activity
Saturday 21st 10AM John and Ruth's

Grand Kids, Mecks, Lefsa makers

Trim Christmas tree with Ann Meck and kids.
Saturday 21st After tree is trimmed John and Ruth's Grand Kids, Mecks, Lefsa makers Grandma Ruth led lefsa making party.
Tuesday 24th 5PM John and Ruth's Oss's as available Lefsa, lutefisk, meatballs, cream sauce and butter -- traditional Christmas eve dinner
Tuesday 24th 7PM St.Philip Lutheran Church Whoever wish to come Christmas Eve service
Wednesday 25th morning each family home As set by individual families Family Christmas
Thursday 26th 10AM Ivan and Deirde's All the Oss's, relatives and close friends Family Christmas celebration. A white elephant gift exchange among the adults. Bring a wrapped gift. Gifts for kids as desired. A pot luck lunch.

Please talk with your spouse, and email or call Ruth to tell her what you plan to attend. This will help establish how much food to make.