Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Who are all these people?!?!

My blog counter is now over 20K.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Little swimmers

This commercial is hilarious!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Belly Laugh

...I had to get a pap smear today and I looked forward to it: an hour by myself with a brutish doctor who has cold hands and a car jack in my vagina.

Friday, July 15, 2005

A swift kick in the pants

I cannot reveal who wrote this email, but thought it was still worth sharing.
Dear President Bush,

I am a registered Republican from Oregon. I never voted anything but Republican until after you took office. You have successfully changed my mind, I would like you to fire Carl Rove and then resign yourself. You and your administration are an embarrassment to to moral and right-minded people everywhere. I resist the temptation to switch party affiliations because I hope someday the true ideals of the Republican party will shine through, instead of the perverse and evil philosophy you represent. You don't fool me. You are the devil's spawn. You dishonor your family and your country,

[name removed for privacy]
Beaverton, Oregon

Would you like to send your Patriot Act Gestapo after me? I live at [address removed for privacy] in Beaverton, Oregon. Why don't you come and have dinner with my wife and I at our home and convince us how you and your staff have made us better, safer, richer, more secure or happier?