In all my work I am investigating the structure and power of belief, creating projects that attempt to decipher both humanity's and my own connection with the universe. Through collaborative endeavors, I explore the distance between coincidence and intention, with an emphasis on setting up moments that deviate from the expected. In some cases, I am more interested in providing the organized framework around which potential interactions may occur. With all my work, I am more interested in the journey than the destination. I am forever attempting to make the ineffable visible.

I do this because:
It is rewarding.
It is an acceptable place to fail.
It’s a good excuse to do things, say things and make things you can’t in other facets of your life.
It’s an opportunity to collaborate with people in near and faraway places.
It’s a way of making something out of nothing.
It’s a way of staying sane.
It’s a vehicle for telling the world who you are and showing them how you think.

Born 1975, Johannesburg, South Africa. Gordon received her MFA at the California College of the Arts. Exhibition venues include San Jose Museum of Art, Richmond Arts Center, Southern Exposure, and Portland State University. Gordon is the co-founder of the Infinite Exchange Gallery, Social Evolution Research Gang and You Can Have It All. An associate curator at Ampersand International, Gordon lives and works in the Bay Area with her husband Max and son Noah.

Revised February 2013