Thursday, September 02, 2004

Thank You Jack & Gertrude!

Last night was the opening reception and award ceremony for the Murphy & Cadogan Awards. I will be uploading the work from this show onto my site soon. In the meantime, I can share that it's a series of 9 photographs - all of which I hope to sell. The show was packed, and lots of people got to see my work, which is very exciting. It was also very cool that my work was situated in the space right next to Scott and Jake's. We had studios side by side this first year of graduate school - it must be a lucky spot in the building.

Deborah came to the opening, as she does all my openings. It's so nice to have such a supportive friend. This time she had her fabulous new digital camera, and I didn't have to take a single pic, as she was there, ready to point and click away. My brother Shaun was also there, and we all mingled around the gallery, saying hello to everyone and drinking cold, refreshing sparkling water. Sean McFarland showed up too, which was a big surprise as he is currently getting ready for his big exhibition at the Jack Hanley gallery.

It was nice to see all these artists from five different schools together as one unit. I thought about how huge the art world is, and it's a wonder anyone 'makes it' at all. We pay a fortune for school and our supplies, and are one of the hardest field's to create a career in. It's amazing...

(this pic was sent by gallery Director, Rupert Jenkins)

Poor Max ran later than he thought at work, and missed the award ceremony, but Deborah took some lovely shots. Afterwards, we went to dinner at a really good German restaurant Suppenküche.


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