Monday, September 06, 2004

I'm melting!

The weather is unseasonably warm, and I finally bought a fan for the apartment. Max is in Germany right now, and despite my telling him how hot it is, I don't think he really understands. The weather report claims 80 degrees, but it feels more like 85-90 because the wind is slow and lazy. I wish I knew someone with a pool.

My brother and I walked along the beach at sunset, by his new place on Saturday, but that NoCal ocean is still fucking cold. My feet went numb! I miss Hawaii...

I am keeping cool with Toffuti Cuties. Trader Joes only sells Vanilla and Chocolate. My favorite flavor is Mint Chip, but these are only available at Rainbow grocery, and it's harder to get to that place. If anyone wants to mail me boxes of this stuff, I wouldn't turn it away.

Tomorrow school starts again. My first class of the day is a 9am in Oakland, so I'll be getting up before the sun shines to make it to the subway in time. I wonder if I can pack a Tofutti Cutie in my backpack?


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