Friday, July 02, 2004

Don't eat, and bring some tissues

Max and I saw Fahrenheit 9/11 last night in Berkeley. There was a mile long line to get in, and the crowd started clapping when the movie started. Certainly we watched the film surrounded by like minded people, but I wondered whether this film is just preaching to the choir. Max mentioned an article Krugman wrote which states that both the Left and the Right are seeing this film. This is quite amazing. Perhaps Bush really wont get elected for a second term.

What I liked about this film was that Moore took a back seat. You didn't see him in every clip. It wasn't the Mike show. It was just a story about his ideas on Bush and his connection to the Saudis. I also like that Moore used a medium that reaches the masses. No one reads books, and no one reads the newspaper, but everybody goes to the movies. It's brilliant.

The film had some very sad moments, and I wished I had brought some tissues. If you didn't despise Bush and his dad before, you certainly will after this film. If you weren't in disagreement of the war before, you will be after seeing this film. There was a lot of VERY gruesome footage of American and Iraqi war victims, so be sure you don't eat a hearty meal if you have a weak stomach, before going into the theatre.

I suppose what all the information left me with was a sense of hope, that people will actually go out and vote this year. If you're reading this, please be sure to vote this Fall, and tell everyone you know to do the same.


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