Friday, May 28, 2004

What does it all mean?

I got a call yesterday that the class I was supposed to TA in June and July has been cancelled. Only two students signed up, and they can't afford to run the class with that few people. I wonder if the economy is so bad that people can't afford classes like it this summer. Of course I am disappointed, but I am also wondering what it all means. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and that one door closes so another can open. So I am wondering what is in store for the next two months? Perhaps I am meant to solely do studio work and just make art... Perhaps I will need more time than I think for my German class in June...

I am having an art block in the studio at the moment, so it doesn't feel good to have this extra added pressure. I went with Ruth to the Headlands yesterday to see Liz Walsh's work in the project space. She graduated from CCA a year ago, and when I went to check out the school, her work was the best thing in the MFA show. She paints and does animation, and I like her work a lot. We talked to her about how confused we feel now the first year of grad school is over, and that we feel we know even less than we did when we got there. She said she felt the same way, and that the first year broke you down so much - you were raw in your artmaking after that. She said she had a similar block in her first summer, and just made tons of work. That 80% of it was 'whatever' but the last 20% was a real breakthrough. I felt inspired by that, and I also liked what I saw in the project space that she had done. So... I am off to the studio to keep making the crap, in the hopes that the gems will emerge.

A badly taken pic of Liz's animation at her MFA show last year.


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