Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Very Little Moments.

A year ago I was trying to make a decision about which grad school to go to. I was seriously leaning towards New York City. It was a place I had always dreamed of going. Two of my best friends [Ben and Jose] live there, and my family are all in New Jersey, so I knew I wouldn't be lonely. I had visited CCA in San Francisco and liked it, but was trying to talk myself out of that, because I had focused on New York for so long.

When I flew to San Francisco, Max sent me a text beep on my cell:
Have you landed? Missing you... sitting in the library alone. Good luck in SF. (Hope you like it...) Your biggest fan.
Initially I told Max I had made my decision and it was New York. He pretended to be supportive, but I could tell he was not happy. I tried to explain to him that it would be fine. That we would each visit every other month, which would cover every month in between breaks, and then I would come to Berkeley for Summer and Winter vacations. His response was very clear, and very simple = It's not about the big events, it's all about the small moments. The little things.

I chose the CCA program, with my only real reservation being the cost. We found a new home in Nob Hill together. We vacationed in Europe before starting school together. We walked out the door to our new lives together. And life has been really amazing since moving to the Bay Area. If I had chosen New York, I would only be traveling to meet Max now. I can't imagine doing that right now.

He was right. It's Sunday brunch in Cole Valley. It's going to Napa for the day and eating falafel sandwiches with our friends. It's seeing Troy at 3 in the afternoon. It's telling me Britney Spears actually sings a song called 'E-mail me your heart'. It's the good morning kisses, and the singing from the shower. It's all the little things that add up to a better quality of life.

Thank you Max. Thank you for being such a special person and taking care of me the way that you do.


At 5/20/2004 3:27 AM, Dawn said...

They don't call him Professor for nothing!
It's the stuff nachas is made of.
Love to you both.


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