Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Back In Action 

My 1st year candidacy review is over, and life feels a little less frantic again.
I passed, and got loads of good feedback from the committee.
[More details on this later in the week].

I worked my ass off last week, and rewarded myself by watching 3 rentals
(Uptown Girls, The Magdalene Sisters, Together) and going to the theatre
for a new release (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind). The big bonus
was also that Max returned from Munich and I was thrilled to see him.

As far as all the movies go, with the exception of Uptown Girls - which was terrible, I really enjoyed
the rest. Eternal Sunshine was colorful, and as was expected came across like a rollercoaster ride. Kauffman
never disappoints. The same can be said of Carrey, Winslet and of course, the ever lovable Ruffalo. He was so funny
in this movie!

The acting in Magdalene Sisters was very good, but the story was super depressing. Eileen Walsh was exceptional!
My favorite choice would have to be Together. It was quirky, explicit, funny and political. All the things I love in an indie flick.

I met with the awesome Kate Pocrass today. She is a fantastic artist, and she did a studio visit with me.
As it turns out, I am in her old studio. It was a fantastic visit, and she gave me some great ideas. People like Kate really inspire me.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004


I'm very excited that my proposal for the Felix Gonzales-Torres show was accepted.
For anyone who wants to read more about who Felix Gonzales-Torres was, click here or here.

Felix Variations:
Artists Respond to Felix Gonzales-Torres

April 23 - May 15
Opening: Friday, April 23
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. at
California College of the Arts
1111 Eighth Street
(near the corner of 16th and Wisconsin)
San Francisco

Shana Agid
Becca Albee
Tammy Rae Carland
Harrell Fletcher
Lori Gordon
Colter Jacobsen
Anna Maltz
Scott Myles
Mitzi Pederson
Joseph del Pesco
Michele Pred
Jon Rubin
Elin Slavick

curated by Meredith Talusan
with Meredith Goldsmith and Tanya Zimbardo

Sunday, March 21, 2004

This bed wasn't made for one 

Max is away in Germany right now. And I don't like it!
I realize this is no different than my trip to NYC two weeks ago, but I can still dislike it.
I miss him, and miss him most when I go to sleep. The bed is way too big for one person.

It is also much harder to be alone when you wake up at 5am from the squeak-squeak-squeak
of the people upstairs having sex. Ewwwww. Due to my vulnerable condition it genuinely
freaked me out, and I had to put some earplugs in.

I am about to have my MFA candidacy review this Friday. I am trying to be zen about this and
breathe deep, but it's still scary. I have been working intensely in the studio, most days 9.30am-10pm.
I feel good about this, and will hopefully have lots to show and talk about at the review, but I'll be
very glad when it's over. And I can have a drink. Hello champagne!

I had a dream last night about a dog. He was sad, lonely and sick from being mistreated. I picked
him up, hugged him and took him with me. He started crying like a person would, and I could tell
that he was thrilled to have been rescued. He wasn't the type of dog I normally find cute, but he was
so loving.

When I woke up today, I went to the park nearby and did free aura portraits for 4 hours. This is part
of a project that I'm working on. It was beautiful in the park today. I sat under a cherry blossom tree
and made a conscious choice to take a deep breath and enjoy the gorgeous weather. As soon as I
sat down, the sweetest little black pug ran up to me and snuggled in for a minute before running off.
I couldn't help but think of my dream. I really want an animal. I think if I could have a dog it would be
a pug or a teacup chihuahua.

Over one dozen people came up to talk to me. I did ten portraits while I was there. It was a really
amazing experience and I made some new friends. I am always amazed by how open people are willing to be.
Experiences like that make me remember that it's important to believe in people. As corny as that may be.

Another 'Lost in Translation', taken by Max.

Friday, March 19, 2004


So, I realize there haven't been many posts the last few weeks, but I was in NYC. Ruth and I traveled there to see some exhibitions. More on this later.... We had a wonderful time visiting with Jose and Ben, both of whom now have dogs. I also had a chance to see my friends Dave and the wonderful Danny Gregory. We ate really good food, saw terribly low-brow movies in the theatres and experienced some really cold weather. We also went to Strawberry Fields, and I spotted some very graffiti on the street one night.

1st art show -- Kiki Smith at MOMA Queens. No photographs allowed.
2nd art show -- Riva Gallery.

3rd art show -- Whitney Biennial. No photographs allowed.
4th art show -- Armory Show.

Friday Five 

If you...

1. ...owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?

Lots of cheese. Rich, creamy, delicious and decadent food. Great wine, champagne and vodka drinks.
Really good soups and salads and fantastic deserts.

2. ...owned a small store, what kind of merchandise would you sell?

Lots of little goodies, that wouldn't necessarily be practical, but would brings lots of joy.
Notebooks, handmade greeting cards, pens, rocks, stickers, magnets. LOTS of books.
LOTS of wool and thread.

3. ...wrote a book, what genre would it be?

Romantic, dramatic, comedic.

4. ...ran a school, what would you teach?


5. ...recorded an album, what kind of music would be on it?

Funny melodic tunes, mixed with sad melancholic numbers to balance things out. Lots of acoustic guitars and possibly some xylophone mixed in for good measure.


Added some new items to the website today.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Tearing it up! 

You are cordially invited to attend:

Flim Flam Flux: An Evening of Fluxus Performances

Wednesday March 17th, 7pm (St. Patrick's Day!)

Play Space, SF CCA Campus, Free and open to the public
1111 Eighth Street, San Francisco, CA 94107-2247

Events include: Flux Kit raffle, Flux Films screening, Live performances of
old and new Flux Scores

Five-minute Performances by
Shana Agid
Dore Bowen
Mel Corn
Jess Dunn
Lori Gordon
Andy Hahn
Tanner Johnson
Brandi La Zard
Susan Leffingwell
Kyle Mock
Angel Oloshove
Bret Parker
Jennifer Parker
Beth Stephens
Tina Takemoto
Meredith Talusan

Play Space is grateful for the support of California College of Arts, the
MFA Graduate Office, the Wattis Institute, and the students and faculty of

Friday, March 05, 2004


For the love of god, do yourself a favor and check this out.
It will truly make you laugh.
Be sure to click on this link: Ellen Degeneres Show Video #2: William Shakes His Bon-Bon!

Friday Five 

What was...
1. ...your first grade teacher's name?

I honestly cannot remember. I really didn't enjoy school.

2. ...your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?

I grew up in South Africa, and this phenomenon didn't exist. I rented a lot of cartoons from the video store, and loved Scooby Doo.

3. ...the name of your very first best friend?

Carla Du Toit.

4. ...your favorite breakfast cereal?

It was actually an Italian porridge, called Malta Bella. Plain or chocolate.

5. ...your favorite thing to do after school?

Go to the library and check out Tin Tin comics. I read a lot. And drew a lot. I spent a lot of time at home swimming in our pool with my brother.

[Thanks again to Friday Five]


This is just nasty.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Candy Hunt 

Went out other night and took the camera with me. An adventure in my 'hood.

Down the stairs and out the door.

Downhill. A beautiful glass house on someone's roof that we always admire.

Cable cars rolling by.

First stop doesnt have what I'm looking for.

More downhill. Gay porn...

Second stop has it. Mission accomplished.

Start heading back up the hill.

Past the garden that partially washed away in the storm last week.

Past our cute little car that we barely use anymore.

Home to relax and enjoy the candy.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Doing the unspeakable 

I never cook. I don't enjoy it and I'm not very good at it. I eat on a survival level when I'm alone in the house. And I realize I'm blessed that I live with someone who loves to cook, and does it regularly. I am going to be in New York next week, and Max is not thrilled. I decided to make him a meal to cheer him up, and make him feel appreciated. I looked online at extravagant recipes, and paged through his cookbooks, but everything looked overwhelming. But then I realized I had the recipe for his favorite food on earth on my computer! My mom's chicken soup and matzo balls. I made everything from scratch and he ate 3 huge helpings. It was joyous to see him eat my cooking and like it. I have been missing my mom and dad, so this made me feel better too. It truly is the Jewish penicillin.

Monday, March 01, 2004

As Stella McCartney said... 

It's about Fucking Time!

Even though I had class until 11pm on Sunday night, I rushed home and forwarded the tape to Sean Penn's speech. I was thrilled. For lots of reasons. I had vowed never to watch the Oscars again, should Penn not win. I vowed the same thing in 2003, should Adrien Brody not win. Needless to say I am shocked and delighted that Hollywood voted Penn as best actor, despite all the horrible publicity surrounding his explicit distaste for the Bush administration. I am also delighted that I will be able to watch the Oscars in 2005 with my convictions intact.

As a side note, I feel elated that the Lord of the Rings trilogy is over and done with and I don't have to watch the tubby, unkempt, socially awkward man walk on stage and take everything away ANYMORE!

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