
This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.


this is an audio post - click to play


Everything is interesting

- A painted version of ideas in my head.
- Looking like a family tree or organizational chart of thoughts spread out: springing from my head.
- Derived from my thought drawings, where I listed things together.
- Painted right onto the wall or done on paper.


Interview people who are:
Tarot card readers
Palm Readers

Interview of psychics etc.
-ask them the same 3 questions:

1. What do you see for the MFA show?
2. What do you see for the future with my art?
3. Where do you see me located?

Presentation would be an installation of images and text regarding their findings.


Project about people who work in hotels.
-strangest things they've found, seen, heard
-weirdest things they've had to do for guests

Presentation would be an installation of images and text regarding their findings.

Where the Day Takes You

Start the day asking person #1 (stranger?) where I should go.
Go there.
Ask person #2 where I should go.
Go there.
Continue repeating this act throughout the day.

--Could also have person 1 refer me to person 2 etc...

-Images of:
1. who I talked to
2. where I went.
3. something specific if they wanted me to look at/task they had me do
4. something I left there as my mark

My mark: should I leave something there, as a way of leaving my mark?

Text: their reason for sending me to that place.
Present this in the space like a timeline.


Installation of all the projects the show was going to be

1. alien abduction - girl version
2. healing space
3. revisiting the pod (
4. big text paintings
5. Japanese film karaoke
6. small text paintings
7. missing people portraits
8. Brown UFO paintings

Piece Together

The audience can piece together my history/narrative

- a long box filled with letters
- each letter has a fact/story

There is a timeline on the wall, around the space.
-Audience is invited to place each note on the wall in the place they think it goes
-number the pieces and give them dates: then it's a question of the audience helping to complete the piece
-it will be interesting if some people keep their notes and don't put them on the wall: then the story is forever incomplete - because of someone's fetish with the object (like Miwon Kwon's comment 'a non-response is still a response)


Write 300 hundred letters to 'Whom It May Concern'
Beautiful paper, envelopes etc.
These are to be opened by audience at the show.
Could have them leave reply (required) before they leave the space.
--if that happens, a catalog of which letters gets which replies would be necessary.

Video Booth: Paranormal experiences

(modeled after Wendy Clarke's Love Tapes)

-People step into a booth/space with a camera and speak for 1-3 minutes about a paranormal experience they've had in their life
-Afterwards they should leave their contact info
-They are given a certificate for their participation (similar to the letterpress certificate)
-These clips would then play for the duration of the show.

There could be a live feed of what's happening playing in Timken during the opening.

Life Kits

Make a kit that includes

1. disposable camera
2. blank cassette tape
3. blank CD
4. blank notebook
5. pen

Give to people and ask them to share with me on a given topic. They have to use up the whole camera, record their voice onto the cassette, save interesting images or text (from the web?) onto the disc and write down thoughts into the notebook.

-could have everyone work on same topic or different topics for each

Topid ideas:

Gift Exchange

Have the wall covered in a large grid of envelopes
In each envelope there is a small knitted object
The audience is invited to take the knitted object and leave a thank-you note in the envelope as a replacement
There would be a table with paper and pens provided
People would leave their address so that I could write later on and find out what became of the object.

Hugs / Holding Hands / 3rd eye to 3rd eye

Give out hugs to people throughout the show
No words must be spoken
Videotape the whole thing
-- this will play live during the show and play for the duration of the show
-- on LCD embedded in the wall, not a projection

Option 1
The room could look like a medical room / curtain around me
People would sign up and wait to hug me (Like Dr's office)

Option 2
I'm sitting on a chair and get up to hug people

Paintings on the wall:
-the walls would be painted a solid color, Green or Red
-the text will be white:
-referencing my text paintings.
- Image of me hugging someone (maybe the image from my business card, maybe something new)

This could be like AA Bronson's healer stuff, in that it becomes like branding.

People would receive a note before entering that explained to them my 'mission' and that they cannot talk

From there, they go into another room and speak for 1-3 minutes about the experience.
This will be taped with a camera.
(Like Wendy Clarke's 'Love Confessional Booth')
This will be a private space for the audience.

**People can come back as many times as they want.

-I'll need someone to man the camera
-Things would have to be filmed very simply in order to avoid massive editing time after the opening.
-This would also enable easy playback afterwards, for the duration of the show.

* Image for back wall of me hugging someone?

Hug Piece (2nd idea)

Variation on original hug piece idea.

Instead of getting a testimonial from everyone:
-They get instructions before they walk in, or there is a sign outside that explains NO TALKING inside; why I believe the hug is important etc.
-They come in and hug me
-There is text and image painted on the walls
-They leave and receive a certificate (or could leave their contact info and I send them a certificate after the show)

-- This document acknowledges the experience
-- This document is my gift to them

* Something that certifies we hugged. (maybe date, time, venue?)

- This certificate would be letterpress, all image and text will be the same. This mock-up is simply to indicate all the different elements.
- This could be created ahead of time or completed at the event (Signature etc)

Healing Center

Small beds with pillows and blankets.
People come in and lay down.
There would be someone sitting in a chair at the head of the bed: this person is there to touch or rub their head - calm them down.
Once they have talked a bit and are comfortable, they are given headphones: Audio component--my voice, telling them things about how reducing stress has so many benefits.

The walls would have my paintings on them: (Ask what color your body needs) (This wont work without you)

**People can stay as long as they need

When they leave they take a large envelope with them. Inside is a print: 'This wont work without you'

Dreams and Fears

An enclosed space for people to come into and relax.
It needs to look comforting.
-this is a space where they'll be asked to lay down on a bed.
-There they'll write notes and insert them into the pillowcase.
(Notebook and pen next to bed)
-They'll also be able to sit at a desk and write about their fears and leaves these notes in the desk drawer.

This is a somewhat voyeuristic project: the participants could sneak a peak at other people's notes in the pillowcase and drawer.

Confessional Booth: Connection

(modeled after Wendy Clarke's Love Tapes)

-People step into a booth/space with a camera and speak for 1-3 minutes about what connection means to them.
-Afterwards they should leave their contact info
-They are given a certificate for their participation (similar to the letterpress certificate)
-These clips would then play for the duration of the show.
--Regular camera can only run an 80 minute tape. Surveillance cameras can run longer times. ($79.99 online) Can capture the footage to a VCR elsewhere or directly to the computer.

There could be a live feed of what's happening playing in Timken during the opening.

Interviews: Paranormal | Connection | Intimacy

For the month of April I would interview people about their thoughts on
-paranormal experiences

I would record their voices with audio equipment, and take photos of them. The photos would be slides. The show would be 3 slide projectors playing on a loop, images of the people who spoke to me. There would be headphones attached so people can sit and listen, while looking at the images projecting on walls.

There would be a mural on the wall behind the projectors of me hugging someone.
(Painted or Photo?)