version 1.4 - Firefox 15.0.x Version Bug. CSS Animate does not work well, animation changed to jQuery Animation. - Feature added: stopAtSlide:1 option added. If value is between 1 - Max Amount of Slides than Slider will stop at Slide after looped as many time as stopAfterLoops has been set. (-1 of any of the options will never stop the Autoplay) - Feature added: stopAfterLoops:0 option added. Value -1 - 99999 Stop Timer if All slides has been played "x" times. It will stop at The slide which is defined via stopAtSlide:x, if set to -1 slide never stop automaticly - Feature changed : slidehorizontal and slidevertical will always slide the items left/right or up/down depending on the Navigation direction has been pressed. (basic direction is always to the left and to the top) - New Transparent Plugin added: In case Transparent Animation has to be played, a new plugin has beed added, where all not uses Captions will be removed from stage. (Use Plugin only in Transparent Mode) version 1.3.5 - Bug: jQuery Length error by removing slots from screen has been repaired. version 1.3.3 - Bug: With only One Slide the slider breaks. Bug solved. With only one Slide no Bullets and no Navigation Arrows are visible !! version 1.3.2 - Bug: Vimeo and Youtube Api Loading issue if no captions defined has been fixed - Bug: Fade Transitions (simple, vertical and horizontal) Trash clen up has been rewritten for cleaning Memory after transition. Version 1.3.1 - Bug: Vimeo API breaks Slider if Froogaloop not loaded - Repaired. - Added: YouTube and Vimeo api only loaded if there is any iframe with these videos. version 1.3 - Feature added: Use data-masterspeed attribute in the slides
  • to defined different slide transition speed. (Default:300, min: 100 max 2000) - Background Image can be used for Banner now : If you wish to use a Background image in the Banner (good for preloading i.e.) set simple for the
    with banner the style -> style="background:url(images/image1.jpg) no-repeat" (this is a place holder, not needed, but some of The customer asked how to do so) version 1.2.3 - feature: Vimeo and Youtube API added. Slider Countdown is stopped during the Playback. -bug: Some transition could not be skipped as first Slide. Bug is fixed. version 1.2.1 - feature : slidehorizontal, slidevertical Transitions added (depending on direction it slides left / right or up/down the slides) version 1.2 - Feature added: Random Transitions with random Slots can be used now - Bug Repaired: IE8 Thumbnail Hover shows only white Box - Hardened: If Container has no height, default grid height will be set automatically by loading version 1.1.5 - fix for Bootstraps : In case Bootstrap Theme is used, a img full-width:none !important overwrite bootstrap responsivity. version 1.1.4 - workaround: JS Plugin resize the height of the Holder Container in case no default height has been set version 1.0 - 27.06.2012 first release