Thursday, September 7, 2006

Workout: Power
2X800, 2X200, 2X800, 2X200 

          800's        200's      800's       200's
Ashley     3:01  3:01  35  35    3:04  3:03   36  35
Brian      2:52  2:48  31  28    2:51  2:48   30  29
Denis      2:44  2:44  29  30    2:46  2:47   30  32
Francisco  2:48  2:48  29  29    2:51  2:43   29  29
Galen      2:52  2:50  32  32    2:51  2:49   33  33
George     2:52  2:48  32  33    2:49  2:47   35  34
Grethe     2:56  2:58  36  37    2:59  2:59   37  37
Heather    3:23  3:24  46  44    3:21  3:22   45  44
John       2:41  2:43  31  32    2:44  2:40   33  33
Keith      3:31  3:34  40  39    3:37  3:46   42  35
Lara       3:34  3:35  43  42    3:38  3:32   42  39
Leah       2:52  2:48  32  32    2:46  2:42   32  32
Monica F   3:32  3:35   X   X    3:39  3:43    X  44
Zack       2:44  2:41  29  29    2:51  2:42   32  31
NOTES: Grethe joins us for a track workout in her last week here in the Bay Area 
before she and Owen move back to England.
June 15, 2006
February 16, 2006
December 08, 2005
July 7, 2005

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