Thursday, July 21, 2005

Workout: Special Event­---Hill Repeats
Location: Strawberry Hill, Stow Lake, Golden Gate Park
Christine     3:08   3:25    3:28    3:38
Dave P        2:40   2:51    2:45    2:44    2:43    2:40
David         2:37   2:49    2:49    2:51    2:53    2:39
Jeff          2:35   2:53    3:04    3:09    3:19    3:21
John Spriggs  2:40   2:54    2:55    2:57    3:01    3:02
Kate          3:17   3:43    3:46    3:51    3:40
Malinda       3:37   4:05    4:04    3:57
Mike H        2:44   3:06    3:09    3:13    3:19
Nathan        2:30   2:47    2:44    2:48    2:47    2:54
Patrick       3:21   3:43    3:45    3:48
Tomas         2:41   2:48    2:52    2:44
Zach          2:28      x       x       x     
Thanks to Janet for helping get times for the workout.  
Looking at the start and end times, it looks like a lot of you were 
joggingdown the hill a little too fast.  Use the downhill to recover 
so you can run up faster.  
Also a lot of people ran the first one too hard and that 
made the workout especially tough.

Welcome to Kate and Jeannie, who came out for the first time 
for a track workout and found themselves at Strawberry Hill.

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