Ashley Neese | 60 heartaches (for the class of '98) | Mixed media [2005]

Neese’s wall of self-produced cassette compilations documents all the love songs the artist listened to in high school. The nature of the mixed tape, an item generally designed to be given to someone else, is inherently intimate and associated with an accumulation of memories. The mix-tape demonstrates self-expression in its underlying messages alluded to in song titles and themes, scrawled handwriting and cover artwork. The format of the cassette versus the CD significantly locates the work in the past and is part of its nostalgia. The work is evocative of the role of music and sentimentality in adolescence, prompting further reflection on characters from our own past, the songs we listened to at that age, and the mixes we gave and received.

Exhibition Text: Tanya Zimbardo

: Gordon : Hilton : Kleker : McCready : Neese : O'Malley : Purbrick : Sclavi