Hugs / Holding Hands / 3rd eye to 3rd eye

Give out hugs to people throughout the show
No words must be spoken
Videotape the whole thing
-- this will play live during the show and play for the duration of the show
-- on LCD embedded in the wall, not a projection

Option 1
The room could look like a medical room / curtain around me
People would sign up and wait to hug me (Like Dr's office)

Option 2
I'm sitting on a chair and get up to hug people

Paintings on the wall:
-the walls would be painted a solid color, Green or Red
-the text will be white:
-referencing my text paintings.
- Image of me hugging someone (maybe the image from my business card, maybe something new)

This could be like AA Bronson's healer stuff, in that it becomes like branding.

People would receive a note before entering that explained to them my 'mission' and that they cannot talk

From there, they go into another room and speak for 1-3 minutes about the experience.
This will be taped with a camera.
(Like Wendy Clarke's 'Love Confessional Booth')
This will be a private space for the audience.

**People can come back as many times as they want.

-I'll need someone to man the camera
-Things would have to be filmed very simply in order to avoid massive editing time after the opening.
-This would also enable easy playback afterwards, for the duration of the show.

* Image for back wall of me hugging someone?