Thursday, March 31, 2005

Love This!

S.U.A.S.C.S.S.R.C.D. (The Society for the Use of Answering Services to Collect Songs and Snippets to Release as CDs) has finally recieved a generous grant and is up and running. S.U.A.S.C.S.S.R.C.D. is a group of 7 musicans and artists dedicated to giving you an anonymous place to express yourself.

Our phone number is 520-792-6530 and messages, songs, drunken insights, etc. can be left 24 hrs a day.

Please help us in spreading the word around the country.
Happy trails.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I just didn't think I was one of those people...

... But I absolutely LOVE this show.

Sunday, March 27, 2005


There are very few things quite like waking up to the smell of fresh bread in the house. Max made sourdough from scratch this week. He made the dough and then it had to sit for a week. There is no yeast, so the dough rises naturally. With the spoilage phobia that I have, I was trying to devise an excuse as to why I wouldn't be tasting it once he baked it. But, the apartment just smelled so good once the bread came out of the oven that I couldn't resist. It was amazing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

After a string of flops, Woody Allen's new film promises a return to form.

"I make small-budget pictures and so I get the best people I possibly can who are willing to work for very little money," Allen says.


Thursday, March 17, 2005

Poo Humor - always funny

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Drop the TiVo remote

into your bowl of soup - and be able to laugh at it.
Now THAT is character my friend!

Monday, March 14, 2005

California gay-marriage ban ruled unconstitutional

SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- A judge ruled Monday that California's ban on gay marriage is unconstitutional, saying the state could no longer justify limiting marriage to a man and a woman.


I dont know if I can make it to July!!!

Scrunchies really do suck


Monday, March 07, 2005


I saw The Aviator the night before the Oscars. Having seen a few films prior to that, of which most were disappointing, I was skeptical. I didn't really want to see it, but Max was keen and I agreed to be nice. When we got to the theatre it was packed, and we had to sit in the 3rd row. My excitement dwindled even more, and I was sure the experience was going to be bad.

Within the first ten minutes of the film, I was riveted. It was spectacular, glamorous and not the least bit uninteresting, despite being about old planes (which I'm not into that much). All the actors in this movie were stellar. You can tell that everyone did their homework - Cate Blanchett most of all. She was by far the most deserving winner at the Oscars that night (followed at a close second by Alexander Payne for Sideways). Her portrayal of Hepburn was astonishing, and I was just blown away. I'm usually so irritated by Dicaprio, but he was also amazing in this movie. I CANNOT understand why Scorsese didn't get the Oscar for this film. It's actually embarrassing that he has never won.

I could go on about the costumes; the color shifting and the attention to detail; but the true test would be suggesting that you simply go and see it. As we walked out of the theater I felt my recent blog post was finally redeemed. At long last we got our money's worth for the ticket price!

Sunday, March 06, 2005

So good and so cheap

This is a newly discovered site full of art for sale at next to nothing. I highly recommend everyone check it out.