Let's Talk

[presented at Felix Variations: Artists Respond to Felix Gonzales-Torres exhibition]

"In Let's Talk, Lori Gordon shares a loveseat and her full attention with gallery visitors for at least an hour each day. The artist is available to listen and discuss people's concerns, allowing them to talk to her about anything on their minds. Her conversations all end with a hug. This action seals each encounter, as the work is motivated by an objective to make others feel better through communicating positive energy with verbal and physical contact. Gordon generously engages visitors in a way that draws from the personal quality of Gonzales-Torres' work. These free, individual conversations are reminiscent of Gonzales-Torres' various take-away pieces that violate visitors' expectations about gallery protocol with regards to the hands-off relationship to art objects. The informal code of quietness in the public space of the gallery is broken here."
- Tanya Zimbardo