Tuesday, December 23, 2003

+ nothing... +

How is it possible to do nothing? It's gloomy today, and I'm not feeling great. Technically I am on Winter Break and could do nothing for a day. But it's impossible. I don't know how to do nothing. Painters are redoing the backside of the building, and all day I've been listening to them sandlblast the exterior walls. The noise has ensured I dont do nothing. I give up. I'm going to read or watch one of my favorite movies.


Monday, December 22, 2003

+ Tommy Time +

Saw 'Last Samurai' this weekend. It was decent. Of course I am biased, and have a hard time trying to say anything negative about Tom Cruise. It was a weird story, and surprisingly void of the usual shlocky love inteterest scenes that Cruise movies usually give the audience. The man who played Katsumoto (Ken Watanabe I) was very impressive, as was Cruise (2 swords baby, 2 swords!!), but the film still had that Hollywood ending with all its tear jerking attempts. Overall, I give it a 6.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

+ When the music is over +

The Winter Formal Spectacular was an amazing transformation of the space. Hooper Complex became a magical winter wonderland...

A jolly good time was had by all. Lots of great art, great music and spiffy outfits.
Meredith and Anna dancing cheek to cheek.

Beth and Elizabeth

Ginny and Sean

Prom Pictures.
[Sean, Michelle, Rob, Melissa, Laurel, Alison, Isaac, Eleanor, Max, Gino, Beth, Saritta]

At the end of the evening, we left with some beautiful ceramic cups, and headed out to eat some food. Max was starving, and continued to tell me he was hungry, until we walked out the door.


Friday, December 12, 2003

+ Winter Formal Spectacular +

Tonight is the formal dance at CCA. Matt Boyko organized the whole shabang, and I'm pretty excited about it. "The Winter Formal Dance Spectacular is a graduate work showcase and dance spectacular featuring students from Mills, SFAI, Berkeley, CCA, UC Davis, and Stanford!!!"


+ Holiday Tree +
I surprised Max yesterday with a new ficus. I brought it home, and decorated it with a winter theme. Not really interested in creating a holiday season tree in this multi denomination household. Instead, I found these gorgeous images to be used for a Hortence and Giles mobile on Keri Smith's site. It really looks gorgeous, and Max was very happy. We've named the ficus Jimmy.


Monday, December 08, 2003

+ Kara's Invisible +
Last week, I visited San Diego, and met up with some of my favorite people! The purpose of the visit was to check out my friend Kara's MFA show. The first evening was spent eating amazing food at Aesop's Tables. (big Surprise) Unfortunately the battery in my digicam was dead at this point, so no pics... The next day I had lunch with Sonali - check out the zippy car.

After lunch I headed over to Yudi and Monique's place to see their new twin girls.

Eric Deis came over too, and together we tried to offer some support. These babies are too cute for words.

Friday evening was spent at the Visual Arts Facility. I saw two exhibitions. The first was Kara Lynch's 'Invisible'. It was an awesome show -- video and sound installation around the exterior spaces of the VAF, and some elevators as well. Video footage is available of the two video spots in the space.

(Apologies for the dark footage - I'm still very new to video)

I rode the elevators with Chris Ferreria and Leslie Sharpe. (Chris is one of my favorite people on this planet!) Pretty intense feelings came up for us, listening to the audio. Kara did an amazing job, and despite being exhausted, she looked incredibly hot.

The second show was Alex Dragulescu's (check him out in the grey hoodie). Super interesting work. Big prints of text 'trees' from the Communist Manifesto, with big name corporation 'fruits' hanging off the branches. Apparently this text runs off a program Alex formulated. Chatted with Jim and Jenny at the reception as well.

And then... the cherry on the cake: Jeffrey Benjamin Brown Denenberg! This little guy makes me want to have kids. Unfortunately I will be waiting 18 years, until such time as I can marry Jeffrey. He always smiles and laughs, never cries, and loves being around people. So cute, it's unreal. Oh yeah - I also got to see his mom and dad. (Video footage to follow)


Saw 'My Life Without Me' yesterday. Very sad, but powerful film. The last few scenes were by far my favorite. There is a terrible feeling when watching the film - you're just waiting for her to die. As a result, I dont think I observed the film as well as I could have. Will probably go and see it again. Ruffalo was superb - as usual. He always makes me cry. In this particular role, he is the tall, dark, myserious (and somewhat off-kilter) character that I love so much. This man is someone I'd love to do a sitting with!

Well, I finally figured this blog thing out...
I made my news page into the blog. Much more exciting that way, and maybe it will be easier to manage this way. I am amazed by how many creative and interesting people have blogs. Here's hoping that mine wont put anyone to sleep...

+ Laurel's silkies +
Recently Laurel gave me a silkie. I love to hold mine, and feel the soft fabric. It has definitely become a relaxing toy for me. More deconstructing of the silkie to follow...


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