Charleston Outlaws RFC



Dan LaBar

Stats     5' 11" - 220 lbs.
Former Clubs     Lehigh University RFC, Camp Casey, Ft. Sill Gunners, Colorado Grizzlies, Savannah Shamrocks, The Citadel (assistant coach)
Positions     Utility Forward ... I'm a small prop, a big hooker, a short lock and a slow flanker
Greatest Rugby Moment     Making the conversion after my first try in a Hotter than Hell 7's tournament.
Worst Rugby Moment     Every kick after that one.
First Year in Rugby     1997
Select Sides     President's 15
Favorites     Country, Classic Rock

  House, Top Shot

  The Big Lebowski, Band of Brothers,

Celebrity I Most Resemble     Currently? Rihanna
Favorite Quote     "Waste no more time arguing what a good man must be. Be one." - Marcus Aurelius "Obviously you're not a golfer." - The Dude
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