Charleston Outlaws RFC



David Bondarenka

Stats     5' 8" - 195 lbs.
Former Clubs     Albany Law School Rugby Football Club, Formerly The New York Americans; Now the NYA Kingston Mad Dogs
Positions     Fullback, Winger, Flanker
Greatest Rugby Moment     My first try with the ALS Alumni team, nothing that spectacular but hey, it was my first try.
Worst Rugby Moment     getting one of the verses wrong in Jesus Can't Play Rugby, and having to shootg a boot....
First Year in Rugby     2004
Select Sides     ?
Favorites     Classic Rock, Blazing Saddles, Gran Torino, Invictus
Celebrity I Most Resemble     Duke Nukem
Favorite Quote     A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
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