Charleston Outlaws RFC



Chris "Taffy" Greenslade

Stats     5' 11" - 192 lbs.
Former Clubs     Oakdale RUFC

  Speke Old Boys RUFC

  South Liverpool RUFC


  Washington Poltroons RUFC

Positions     Wing, Fullback, Fly Half, Flanker
Greatest Rugby Moment     Winning the Div 111 Southern Championship with the Outlaws
Worst Rugby Moment     Breaking my ankle warming up for Speke Old Boys
First Year in Rugby     1968
Favorites     Being on tour in Wales with the Outlaws and helping Oakdale celebrate it's 100 year birthday with a game on the hallowed turf of the Rec. The push over try from 25 yards out was pure joy!
Celebrity I Most Resemble     Disco Dave Hawkins

Photos of Chris Greenslade

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Taffy looks on.
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Taffy checks in with his walker.
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Jake and Taffy.
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Dylan Greenslade.
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Taffy taking the day-off. Skip having a drag.
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Taffy looks on.
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Taffy and Butch on the Piss again.
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Taffy approves of the victory.
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Mick and Taffy give out the handbag award.
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Clark, Megan, Dave, Doug, Taffy and Brannen.
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Taffy and Neff.
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Box, Taffy, and Grandpa in the Bahamas.
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Butch and Taffy.
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Taffy looking concerned.
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Taffy at Cape Fear 2006.
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Taffy, Clark, Miller, Andy, Davis, and Mick.
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Taffy looks on with concern.
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Taffy and Dave look on against San Diego.
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Taffy strategies the San Diego game.
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Taffy calling out the Troops.
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Dave and Taffy.
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Butch, Rod, Jaime, Tice and Taffy.
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Dave and Taffy enjoying the open bar.
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Chris, Taffy and Dave.
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Taffy and his buddy, the microphone.
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Simon and Shark get a quick lesson from Taffy.
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Taffy watches the match intently.
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Dave and Taffy discuss strategy.
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Taffy working it all out.
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Huh? Do what?
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Taffy and Dave work out the strategy.
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Taffy watches the game.
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Taffy with his post match wrap-up
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Taffy and Irish-Dave like the move.
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"At the end of the day...".
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Grandpa dots down the try on the outside. Taffy cheering on!
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