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If you haven't seen this page previously, please take a moment and read it. To go to the Ultralighter's Anonymous Group at Yahoo, click on the banner below, or scroll down to the "Ultralighter's Anonymous" link near the bottom of the page.

This Group offers lighthearted support for ultralight gear addicts. Its all in fun. If there is sufficient interest, we may schedule chats at a later date.

No vulgar, suggestive, threatening, "hate" or racist language is allowed, either on the message board or in the chat room. Also, "flaming" is not permitted and Yahoo does not allow the posting of any commercial messages.

No nude or "adult" photos are allowed in the photo albums. This is a family oriented site and can easily be accessed by children. Do not post any photos that you wouldn't want your mother to see.

To see the Group's home page at Yahoo, use the link below. Anyone can visit, but in order to chat, post messages or view the photo albums, it will be necessary to join the Group. To join, you'll need a Yahoo ID. If you wish to join us, click on the "Join This Group" link in the top right corner of the home page screen.


Ultralighter's Anonymous Group