Rainmaker's Home Page

My 2001 PCT Hike

My ebooks The Passion Killers, A Dark Wind of Vengeance, Blood Beyond the Abyss and The Second Layer of Hell (apocalyptic fiction) are now available for download. They are the first four installments in the Path of Survival series. To see additional information, click here .

In 1999, I hiked just over a thousand miles on the PCT, from the Mexican border (Campo) to Sonora Pass, CA. I returned to the trail in 2000 and Brawny and I hiked 813 miles, from Sonora Pass to Crater Lake, OR.

In 2001, I plan to hike the last 800 miles from Crater Lake to the trail's northern terminus at Manning Park, Canada.

Brawny and I will be hiking together, and we expect to leave Crater Lake on or about July 15, 2001. She is presently hiking the portion of the trail that I hiked in 1999. To see her 2001 PCT journal click here . We hope to finish the PCT together at the Canadian border by the middle of September.

To see my 2001 PCT Journal click here. I have prepared several paragrphs as a "Foreword", however, it is doubtful that any actual journal entries will be posted before the end of July 2001. We plan to post our journals whenever we have access to PC's near the trail on resupply stops. However, most of our journal entries will probably not be posted until we return home in September.

To see my "15 Ounce Kitchen" I am taking on the trail this year click here .

If you would like to contact me by e-mail, please use the following link:


Thanks for your interest!

- - Rainmaker, June 20, 2001