(DEFINITION): 1. Singular. Solitary. In need of no help whatsoever due to an overabundant and godlike amount of coolness. Note; not to be confused with the "Larryversally" interchangeable number "5."


(DEFINITION): 1. Adjective suggesting relative inexpensiveness or low quality, often associated with penniless, desperate filmmakers. 2. Vocal sound generated by a baby bird.


(DEFINITION): 1. Verb suggesting a state of motion. 2. Noun; catch-all term for the sleazy habits of wannabe Hollywood dancers and shakers. Note; not to be associated in any way with the morally upstanding, impeccably honest, great film auteur Laurence Maher.


One Cheap Move is the show that's been begging to be made since the early 90's. It's Jackass with a storyline, Andy Milonakis on steroids, a white Dave Chappelle with too much time on his hands and far too much caffeine. It's a Hollywood level sitcom that plays like a cheesy home movie! And it's all done from the ground up by one single crazy filmmaker!


Introducing the debut of the single most talented man in the ENTIRE WORLD . . . the one . . . the only . . . Laurence Maher. Yes, God's gift to Hollywood has created . . . completely by himself . . . a show so incredible that if you dare to not watch it, you'll be missing the greatest quality programming ever to come from his parents' house. He slices, he dices,-he writes, films, edits, scores, and still manages to act (with Oscar-caliber performances I might add) every character on the show. Soon Larry (ya, don't worry, you can call him that) will be a household name, and then nothing, no power on Earth can stop him! . . . Unless . . . From the depths of Hell he comes, so magic he can do almost anything, so evil he can do almost anything. He's . . . Magic Evil Larry . . . (ummm, gay?) . . . NO! Larry's horrid alter ego has deemed Larry is after too much money, and for his greedy ways, shall be struck down. Armed with his army of Larry drones, Magic Evil will not rest until Larry is ripped from the airwaves and sent flying into a boiling vat of puke, where he will "fry like a french until the end of time". Now Larry must struggle to stay on the air one episode at a time, going up against the likes of "The Larrinator", "Dirty Larry", and "Lar-Face". And there's no end in sight to Larry's battle, because . . . well, let's face it, there are about 100 years of Hollywood villians he could do impressions of. Not that this is all faked or anything. I mean all sorts of celebrities are banging down the doors to do this gig . . . no really.


Need you ask? Here's a guy so cool that it's just not enough to run his own video production company. So he made AMP Entertainment, and shot an awesome feature movie called ALMOST, which won a Tele-Award for production value, an Aurora Award for Directing, and an International Videographer's Award for cinematography, not to mention being an official winner of the Hollywood-based First Glance Film Festival. And check out that in addition to shooting One Cheap Move, this workoholic is in pre-production of a feature horror. To boot, he's a buff, weight-lifting fool with yogi flexibility and a black belt in 2 different martial arts, all of which will soon be displayed when he progresses to action hero status. And Ladies, he's even educated with a bachelors in Radio/TV/Film (and a minor in music so he can serenade you with a trombone like all get out . . . ya, baby).


"Filmmaking is collaborative art . . . most of the time. But when you've got more A.D.D. than resources, filmmaking starts to mutate. Throw in current technology, and suddenly a guy with no cash can simply wear every hat in a production. All you've gotta do is be smart enough to know your limitations. Don't try to make War and Peace. Just push ridiculousness to its limits, and then you've got one hell of a funny show."


Since no one helped me, the great and solo Laurence Maher, do anything with One Cheap Move whatsoever, this is completely unnecessary. So if I was going to thank people for helping me shoot a lot of stuff, I certainly wouldn't mention my girlfriend Brittany, because out of all the people who didn't help me shoot, she was the worst about it. I also wouldn't mention Melissa Dodd or Uriah Stone, or even my mother for helping me shoot from time to time, because they didn't. I certainly wouldn't mention Scott Powers, who did absolutely nothing like build the whole OCM website. And forget completely me thanking people like William Smith and Justin Jones for moral support. Last but not least, if there were 2 people that just deserve a kick in the ass, they are my parents for not helping me along year after year when filmmaking got tough financially. But I guess it's better that NO ONE helped me, because now I have no guilt about taking all the credit, and come to think of it, the one person I would like to thank is myself.

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