Practice Peace
[in conjunction with Emily Jacir's Bringing the war back to the people and The Kitchen]

Emily Jacir printed emails she had received in her inbox from the last two weeks from people in Palestine and Lebanon. She gave me one, and also printed out an article from the New York Times about America speed rushing bombs to Israel. "America is 100% involved and is complicit in the new Israeli attack on Lebanon as well as in Gaza. I saw on CNN yesterday a poll asking Americans if the U.S. should get involved or not in the current conflict between Lebanon, Israel and Palestine. This is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. America is involved and taking an active roll by providing arms to one side of the conflict. Americans are complicit in this war, we ARE involved." Jacir asked me to take the email and this information and go out into the streets and do something in the public sphere, based on my interaction, (or reaction) or whatever with the emails. "It could be an action, a performance, your own protest, a drawing, a conversation, collaborate with people you meet... Document your piece through photography and a short text."

I took an excerpt from the email - one line that I found particularly moving -and made a sign with this. I inserted my own instruction afterwards, and stood on different street corners holding the sign.