Thursday, January 29, 2004

...For Max...
Max called me today to inform me I should update my blog because he's bored.
Here you go Max.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

...Great Day In the Life of an Avid Movie Lover...

Did the Academy finally pull it's head out of it's ass, or am I getting soft as I reach towards 30?


-Benicio Del Toro - 21 GRAMS
-Ken Watanabe - THE LAST SAMURAI

-Shohreh Aghdashloo - HOUSE OF SAND AND FOG (An Irani Woman!!!)
-Patricia Clarkson - PIECES OF APRIL
-Holly Hunter - THIRTEEN




Nominee List

Monday, January 26, 2004

...Having babies...

Before I begin the Golden Globes entry, I want to point everyone towards Heather Armstrong's "T-Minus Seven Days and Not A Coherent Thought To Be Found". She always makes me laugh, but today was exceptionally cute and laughable.

OK, and now for my cheers and jeers.

...Golden Globes 2004...

Cozying up with champagne and Indian food, it was a great night for small film underdogs!

-Picture - Musical or Comedy : Lost In Translation (finally a woman wins!)
-Actor In A Leading Role - Drama : Sean Penn (just remember -- I HEART him)
-Actor In A Leading Role - Musical Or Comedy : Bill Murray
-Actress In A Leading Role - Drama : Charlize Theron (just thrilled it wasn't Kidman)
-Actor In A Supporting Role : Tim Robbins
-Screenplay : Lost In Translation
-Actress In A Leading Role - Drama Series : Frances Conroy [Six Feet Under]

-Picture - Drama : The Lord Of the Rings: The Return Of the King (Will this trilogy ever go away)
-Actress In A Supporting Role : Renée Zellweger
-Director : Peter Jackson (will this man ever go away)

Best Dressed
- Jennifer Aniston
- Christina Ricci
- Debra Messing (gorgeous maternity wear)
- Tom Cruise (I really love this man)
- Diane Keaton
- Mary-Louise Parker
- Mark Ruffalo (YUMMY!)

Worste Dressed
- JLo
- Uma thurman
- Nicole Kidman (cant stress enough how much she irritates me. SO DUMB!)
- Renée Zellweger (if only she and Kidman could get stranded on the same island)
- Elijah Wood

- Very surprised by how many of my personal pics won. (10/24)
- Wondering why Penn didnt pick up his award in person.
- Within the 3 hours I went from hating SJP's dress to loving it.
- Jack Nicholson has great taste in glasses
- Diane Keaton : just as emotionally irratic on stage as she was in the film
- Are Uma and Quentin going to end up together?
- How many events is Johnny Depp going to wear that outfit to?
- How cute is Banderas' little girl?
- Was Brittany Murphy high?
- Was Danny Devito high/drunk? (awful speech)
- Will Six Feet Under ever win their category? (for fuck sakes)

Thursday, January 22, 2004

...Bloody Mess...

Saw a lecture by Franko-B tonight. He is a performance artist, and primarily uses his blood as his medium of choice. It was a lecture unlike any other I'd been to before. He shocked me, but also made me think at the same time about my discomfort with certain things, and why that is. He showed a lot of video and photo documentation of performances he'd done. Many of them include him bleeding himself with devices he has consulted his doctor about. It was very intense to watch, and he seems to be a very smart and truthful person.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004


I'm so out of touch.
How did I not know that the new season premiere of Newlyweds is on tonight?!?!?!?!
This train wreck of a show truly makes my life that little bit more exciting. (I know - it's sad)

*********Comments from after the show*********
I really wonder if she is as dumb as she'd like us all to think she is?
Despite their riches and fame, these two truly seem to be an ordinary pair, finding their way as newlyweds.
One thing I like about them (at least from what I've seen on camera) is that
A) They are always polite to people around them, and are very respectful to the elderly
B) They never gossip or bitch about people behind their backs

Yes, they are trashy, and not the brightest people I've come across, but the sincerity and love shown between them is touching.

Also watched the first installment of Till Death Do Us Part, and it wasn't as amusing. Navarro seems too pervy, and Electra made several comments that leave me wondering about her self esteem. Maybe I'll have to watch the next ep. to see if I REALLY don't like it.


Went with my Film/Video Seminar class to the Berkeley Art Museum for the new Ant Farm show.
Interesting stuff indeed.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

...I heart Sean Penn...

Iraq journal.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

...Not so warm and fuzzy...

Which America was Bush talking about tonight?

"For the sake of job growth, the tax cuts [Congress] passed should be permanent. "
"By computerizing health records..."
"Abstinence for young people is the only certain way to avoid sexually-transmitted diseases."
"Our nation must defend the sanctity of marriage."
"We must continue to pursue an aggressive, pro-growth economic agenda. "

and my favorite: "...get rid of steroids now"

I felt like I was watching a game show. Thankfully you can always count on Kennedy to shake his head blatantly at the monkey.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

...Warm and fuzzies...

This woman's entry into her blog made me feel really good. (see Jan 18 entry) I think it's always best to follow your gut and your heart!

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Sunday, January 18, 2004

...Crush the grapes...

Max's mom is visisting town, so we drove to Napa today. We visited Hess and Coppola. Hess had this art gallery on the top three floors of the building. I thought it was going to be lame, but it turned out to be quite good. I was really excited to see some Magdalena Abakanowicz, and I discovered someone new and interesting named Lynn Hershman.

Coppola is probably my favorite, because it has so many things to see in addition to the usual winery stuff.
All his film awards and trophies are there, as well as photos, zoetropes and set props.

I saw this one in a light fitting on the ceiling.

Car from Tucker.

Costumes from Dracula.

Academy awards, and memorabilia from The Godfather, as well as other film awards.

An awesome pic of Coppola with daughter sofia. She could be winning a few of her own this year!!

The store is also amazing. Lots of great recipe books, foods and art supplies!?!?! He seems to be interested in all sorts of things, and has no shame in endorsing the products he likes. There are these cute little notes next to many things, with his personal thoughts about why he loves these things so much. Max very sneakily saw me eyeing some things last year, and I received a Moleskin journal and this wonderful drawing pencil kit for my birthday in November.

Max and his mom eyeing something yummy.

And when I die, I want to go to the Cheese Department at Dean and Delucas. This was our final stop on the journey, before heading home. I couldn't resist buying a half wheel of the Grafton 5 year aged extra Sharp Cheddar. Heaven!

When we got home, Max noticed this sign in someone's window. I love living in Northern California.

Saturday, January 17, 2004

...Things that make me laugh...

Ok, some of these take a moment to load, but I believe they are worth it.

Hamster Dance! (will make me laugh and smile - whenever I see this!)

Hip Hop Hippo (enough said)

Is Christina getting fat? (it's a dirty sin, but this really makes me laugh)

Crazy French Guy (was sent this one recently, but it's really funny)

Sponge Monkeys (not even sure what say about this. It's so weird - it's hilarious)

Triumph the Insult Dog - Star Wars II Premiere (Scroll to the bottom of the page)
(this is my ALL TIME favorite. if i'm down - i'll just watch this, and it's all good)

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

...20 Things That Help...

I did a series of twenty multiples in October, and then included them in the Postcard Show at the Lab. I sold ten. I donated 3 to a benefit for the Big Ballyhoo show that happens this month. Here is my list of 20 things that help.

1. Sitting in silence
2. Watching the sun come up in an airplane
3. Baked goat cheese
4. Santa Fe on Christmas Eve
5. Champagne, Vodka, Tequila, Wine
6. Prescription sunglasses
7. Being loved unconditionally
8. Reading books and newspapers
9. Continuing to sew, even if it sucks
10. Being truthful
11. Being flexible
12. Taking responsibility
13. Picking my battles
14. Letting go
15. Scarves and gloves
16. Paying attention
17. Knowing when to stop
18. Knowing when to start
19. Being cross disciplinary
20. Seeing the big picture

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

...My brother...

I found this photo amongst some others for a project I'm working on. Max must have taken it when I wasn't looking. This is my brother Shaun. I think he looks handsome and really grown up in this pic. He's a super good guitar player, and recently wrote a song about how I whine when I'm calling for Max. As the song goes, I say 'Meeeaaaaaaxxxxx'.

Monday, January 12, 2004


OK, so I know that with the advertising industry -- nothing is a coincidence. Vast millions are spent on ensuring that the public sees exactly what is meant to be seen. Unless of course, the message/image is meant to be subliminal. But I wonder about the following, and whether I am being too paranoid.

I hate tear-out ads that are inside magazines. When I browse through a magazine, these inserts often determine what I view, as the pages often slip right to those places in the publication. What I wonder is : Are these ads placed in certain spots, so that we will be directed inadvertently to these places? Or is that taking it too far? Email me your thoughts on this.

Friday, January 09, 2004

...Visiting Time...

My friend Ben Guttin is in town from NYC. It's a real treat, as he is one of my favorite friends. Before we left my place, he was kind enough to do a performative dance with my scarf on his head.

First stop was picking up his vehicle from a garage. His car has a navigation system, (which takes you the longest route possible).

Then we hit the town, and went to check out some art openings with Ruth.

First stop: Lizabeth Olivera Gallery, for the Anna Maltz show. See Anna directly below, with the spiffy red necklace.

There was a large crowd, and people seemed to be in excellent spirits. It was a great way to see everyone right before school starts up again.

Ben trying to mingle. Brittany is just like a celebrity! She was even wearing the scarf I made her.

We headed off to the next show, adding a few friends for the ride. Jake, Katie, Dave and Allegra. Jake looks about as stoic as it gets in shot, but he's actually a very cheery guy. Ruth avoided my camera all night, but I did manage to get this beautiful shot of her.

Next stop: Michael Martin Gallery for the Shawn Smith show. (Shawn always has that blue cup full of iced tea. It's like super hero juice or something).

His lovely wife Anne was nice enough to model his royal jelly drawing for us. (not 100% sure if it's Anne with an 'e')

More of Shawn's work.

The evening was finsihed off by a wonderful Indian dinner that Ben treated us to. It was a good night!!

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

...Making movies...

Check this out: BushIn30Seconds I haven't watched them all, but I did like Child's Play and Imagine.

Sunday, January 04, 2004

...Good Laughs are Hard to Find...

I discovered the most brilliant site today. [] This woman is truly funny, and made me laugh several times over. I decided to borrow 2 fabulous ideas from her site, giving credit wherever possible. 'Make Me Sad', and 'Make Me Happy'. I don't think I'll be able to update my lists nearly as often as she does, but none the less, it's a good way to get to know me.

Saturday, January 03, 2004

...Film Time...

Added a new section to the blog. Film Reviews.

...He's alive!...

With the family together for the holidays, we remembered our beloved dog Max. Due to an international move in the early 90's, we had to find a new home for him. We sat last week, and spoke of this dog, and how much we loved him. I wondered if he was still alive, and mom said there was no way - it had been too long. I emailed a member of the family that had adopted Max for us, and she replied yesterday that he is still alive. She sent these pictures, and I felt a huge knot in my throat when I looked at them. It makes me feel happy knowing that he is still around, and looking as though he hasn't aged at all. We love you Max Gordon!

Friday, January 02, 2004

...Family Time...

Mom and dad's visit to the Bay Area is almost over. It has been an awesome trip. They have seen the sights, and eaten some amazing food. It has been a lot of fun!

At the hotel, getting ready for the tour. Dad is showing mom how to use the digital camera.

Golden Gate bridge. [That is some seriously thick cable.]

Another camera lesson was in order.

Japanese Tea Garden at Golden Gate Park.

Painted Ladies.

Last stop - Fisherman's Wharf. Lunch at Fransiscan Restaurant.

We also celebrated mom and dad's 30th wedding anniversary, now that we were all together in the same place.

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