Charleston Outlaws RFC



Micah Lambert

Stats     6' Select One..." - 210 lbs.
Former Clubs     High Country supporter - they were very social
Positions     Wing, outside/inside center - where ever Taffy places me
Greatest Rugby Moment     Pitching the ball to Houston for a try (before he touched it out of bounds).
Worst Rugby Moment     I think we all know this one...I just hope to be back soon! Neck braces aren't fun - know when to cut me off guys!
First Year in Rugby     2009
Select Sides     Fried okra, left and strong?
Favorites     Anything on Headbanger's Ball or Yo! MTV Raps
Celebrity I Most Resemble     Really?
Favorite Quote     "If you're not going to compete, I will dominate you." - MJ


  "Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver."


  "We've been coming to the same party for 12 years, and in no way is that depressing!"



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