Charleston Outlaws RFC



Steve Percy

Stats     6' 1" - 240 lbs.
Former Clubs     University of South Carolina (Columbia) Charleston Outlaws
Positions     Mostly prop, but played a little second row.
Greatest Rugby Moment     Every time I got to play!
Worst Rugby Moment     Diving for a try against Olde Grey only to be met by Kim Pipkin's knee against the top of my skull and getting knocked out cold instead (Only inches away!)
First Year in Rugby     1986
Select Sides     1988 SC Select Side Prop.
Favorites     Music: Classic Rock, 90's alternative stuff

  TV: Lost, Heros, Big Bang Theory

  Movies: Mostly sci-fi and good horror or comedy.

Celebrity I Most Resemble     Maybe a slender John Goodman?
Favorite Quote     What we've got here is, failure to communicate.
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