Charleston Outlaws RFC



Sean Carroll

Stats     6' 0" - 265 lbs.
Former Clubs     Middle Tennessee State University (Moosemen)
Positions     Prop and Lock
Greatest Rugby Moment     While at the Banshee Tournament social I saw Brandon (Brain Dead) fly off the top of the beer truck naked, with a tail toilet paper that he lit on fire. He called this the flaming asshole and I agree.
Worst Rugby Moment     Getting beat by Vanderbilt.
First Year in Rugby     1992
Select Sides     1st Team all-American selection at Oliver Springs Elementary School sand-lot pick up league.
Favorites     Movie - Fight Club

  TV Show - 24, House, CSI

  Music - Cake, Weezer, Pixies, Radiohead


Celebrity I Most Resemble     Fat Elvis
Favorite Quote     Do you think we ought to bury them? Why, buzzards got to eat the same as the worms. – Clint Eastwood Outlaw Josie Wales

Photos of Sean Carroll

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Pack and Sean on the ruck.
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Ready for play.
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Resetting the D.
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Sean, Tucker, and Round-Eye secure the ball as a penalty is called.
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Sean Carroll runs in support.
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Tucker with a nice take.
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Roundy, Welsh, Craig, Jake and Sean come to defend against Columbia.
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TK makes a break with Sean in support as Brian and Butch look on.
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Bob with a quick pass to Will. Ty, Sean and Mike in support.
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Sean goes for the loose ball with Logan, Andy and Ty in support.
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Will dumps the ball to Grumpy Pants Gramps with Dave and Sean in support.
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Perkins and Sean on the chase.
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Sean, TK and Perkins drive over the ruck.
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